What a weekend! So much fun, family and way too much candy. The girls wore their Snoopy Easter skirts to the community egg hunt on Saturday. I made the skirts using an amazing tutorial you can find right here. I am so thankful to all of the sweeties out there who share their wonderful talents and take time to make tutorials for us to use. I tweaked the pattern a bit by adding ruffles and making Halley's longer and Lulu's shorter. The colors make me so happy! They just scream jelly beans. I made the matching easter basket from another tutorial. It was super confusing and challenging and I completely misunderstood the directions. I ended up cutting the fabric the wrong way and didn't have enough to make two baskets. Luckily Lucy didn't mind, she was just happy to have candy. The container that she put it in was of no importance. Now I have a full year to attempt it again and find the fabric on Ebay for way more than I paid at Joann's. (Hooray for 40% off coupons!)

Posted in Easter, tutorials