I have been wanting this ribbon organizer for a long time and it has sat on my Ebay watch list just waiting for me. I was eyeing the aqua one but not fully committed to the $20 odd dollars it would cost. I suppose I knew in the back of my head that if I indeed bought it I would actually have to sit down and organize my crazy ribbon drawer. On a whim, instead of buying the one on the watch list, I typed in a new search. This red goody had just been listed with a Buy It Now for.... wait for it... $12.99. Now don't go thinking I get so excited about saving $8 that I would do a full post about it! Guess what was included in the price? ALL OF THE RIBBON!!! The picture was a bit blurry and I couldn't tell if maybe the cute ribbons were shoved into the front, but I was willing to risk it for that price. It came today and let me just tell you, it is going to change everything! It is way bigger than I thought, has zillions of holes and is so easy to use. I just threaded the ribbons it came with (100% super cute!), all of my ribbons from the drawer and it still can hold tons more. If you use ribbon you NEED this. Sorry, I got the best deal ever though!

Posted in ebay, organizing, ribbon