My first "Made on a Mac" photobook came today. Hmmm.... do you have your magnifying glass out? Teeny tiny. Size of a credit card tiny. It states the exact dimensions when you choose your size, but I imagined it much bigger in my mind. It is so cute though and perfect to throw in my purse. This itty bitty one only comes in sets of three so I gave one to my Mother-in-law and one to my sister-in-law filled with pictures at the beach with my niece and nephew. I need to put a ruler by my computer because this isn't the first time I grossly misjudged dimensions.
Mini Horse day was a success. Halley got to pet, brush and feed a chocolate brown "baby horsey". Mini horse dress, not so much. More like mini-shirt. I suppose that is what happens when I try to re-imagine a 2T pattern for an extremely tall almost four year old. All while she is sleeping. Lucy now has her very own, gently used mini horse dress. That is how it has been lately. I make something for Halley and instead it fits Lulu. My whole point of making clothes is so that Halley can wear them first and then pass them down to Lulu. It doesn't work the other way around. I am working on a custom painted Etsy order right now which I will share when it dries later tonight.
