Yesterday I took the girls to a new park about 10 minutes from our house. When we got home I realized that I left Lucy's shoes in the sand. If I was thinking rationally, I would have just moved on keeping in mind that I bought them for only 25 cents at a thrift store. Instead I seriously contemplated packing up two sleepy and grumpy toddlers, driving back and searching for them. But I didn't since they were already late going down for naps. The entire nap I stressed and worried that the shoes were gone forever. They aren't special, only marginally cute, but Lucy hates shoes, constantly takes them off and this is one pair that she will actually tolerate for at least three minutes. I woke them early so I could get them fed and ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house and begged my sweet husband to swing (totally out of the way) by the park on the way to bible study. There were the shoes, sitting in the sand, waiting for Lucy. Yay! So now they are $3.75 shoes when I add in the gas it took driving to fetch them.

That was probably my favorite office moment...and the look on Pam's face when she thought Jim was leaving her...I am still laughing today...isn't it good having it back on.... :)
ReplyDeleteOkay i would so go back for those too!!... but mostly in the knowing that those were "HER" shoes.. they would be lost without her...sweet LuLu... now she will have happy feet forever... or atleast until her feet get too big!!
ReplyDeleteSweet story!! and still such a bargain!!