Okay, so I have to admit that spending all of my days barefoot or in flip flops has done little to make my feet soft and pretty. I nearly put this violent-looking foot grater in my cart every time I am at Target, but I am actually too scared to use it. Have you seen the commercial where the lady empties it out into the trash can. Yuck!

My mom cut out this article from the newspaper for me as an alternative. You can take your calloused feet to a nail salon in Alexandria, VA and these little "doctor fish" will lovingly nibble off all of your dead skin. For THIRTY minutes! I am freaking out even imagining one minute in the tub with these guys. I am thinking that the PedEgg doesn't sound so bad anymore!

I think I am just going to stick to lotion and keep my creepy feet.
YIKES!!! Yah I will not be putting my feet in a bowl of fish...YUCK!! The PedEgg isn't really that bad. I also wear flip flops most of the time, but I don't need to use the PedEgg very often.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...it takes a brave lady to pop her feet in with fish! That takes 'smelly feet' to a new limit!!
ReplyDeleteA great blog. I've very much enjoyed having a read through it. x
Oh my goodness....and people pay for this? If that was my only alternative I would stick with my icky flip floppin summer feet.
ReplyDeleteOk....you just made me laugh out loud!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope you are having a great day, cause you just made mine better! I needed a little laugh!
EWWWWWWWWWWWWW...I am with you!...altho, I have not seen the PedEgg commercial...it does sound alot better than fishy feet!....You made me have a giggle with the visual there!!...creative blessings, Debbie
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That is quite a deal!! I can honestly say I have never heard of anything like that before!! YUCK!! And don't worry...I am right there with ya on the feet thing...I am always barefoot or in flip flops! Only when we head back to Kansas in the winter do I pull out socks!! And I haven't done one single thing to make mine look any better!! They are about as rough and calloused as they come!!
ReplyDeleteI saw that too... crazy!! And I agree, when she empties the ped egg on the commercial- ewww come on, who really wants to see that?!
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the creepiest things I have seen. Even if they didn't nibble on feet, I certainly wouldn't want to stick my toes in! Hilarious. Thanks for sharing. I think.
ReplyDeleteha this was on the today show this morning that fish thing creeps me out!
ReplyDeleteAghhh...I know I wanna try that egg so bad....but I too am a little scared.
ReplyDeleteEach time I file my flop wearin' feet Chloe says ....Mom...its snowing...that silly kid.
by the way.....I answered your question about the white and green yumminess over my couch on my blog in its own little post.....check it out.
as always thanks for reading....
Oh my. I got the heebie jeebies just reading about those fish. I have the pedi egg because I wear flip flops about 362 days a year...(Texas is hot, ya'll) anyway, you have to be careful not to get carried away and scrape off too much...ouch!
ReplyDeleteI HAVE A PED EGG!! I really do! And I don't think it is as gross if it is your own skin?! At least that's what I'm hoping! But the thing does work - I like mine! Who is the one that discovered those fish like to eat dead skin off of feet? Things that make ya go...hmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I saw the fish on Ugly Betty! Didn't actually think they were real... how funny.
ReplyDeleteI use the Ped Egg, and I LOVE it!!! Definitely does a better job than lotion, and it's not as bad as you think. ;) I say you get one.
What are those fish, piranhas? LOL! I have a different cheese grater type of thing for my feet and it works well. It is gross, yes, especially the first time you use it. My pedicurist uses some sort of lotion that eliminates calluses and says she gets it at Sally Beauty Supply and is expensive. You put it on for a few minutes and then use a pumice stone to rub away the dead skin, maybe a little less gross for you? :-)
ReplyDeleteYes ewwww to both. I watched that I am on a Japanese Gameshow show a few times and that was one of the rewards was to go to a spa. They did the fish thing. I was so grossed out!
ReplyDeleteHI!! I'm a new reader to your blog and I love all your ideas.
ReplyDeleteI have a Pedegg and it works pretty well and it doesn't hurt.
As for the fish...that's just creepy! I would freak out!!!
I don't think I could do the fish thing...I am so ticklish I would stomp on everyone of them....LOL
ReplyDeleteBut I have the Ped Egg and I love it...Gets your feet baby soft! Yea, it gets a lot of stuff off your feet...but it's not that bad! Plus you can do it in the shower...you won't see anything!
Well worth it!!!
kristi's post reminded me of this Callus Eliminator. http://cgi.ebay.com/be-natural-Callus-Eliminator-Remover-18-oz-FreePumice-2_W0QQitemZ120206493475QQihZ002QQcategoryZ36430QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
ReplyDeleteIt's a professional product, so you can't buy it over the counter, so to speak. I've been using it for several years and I always get it from eBay. It is fantastic!
i read this earlier today and laughed.
ReplyDeletethen tonight i was getting my hair done and my hairstylist says "my friend got a pedicure where you stick your feet in a tank of fish and they eat off your dead skin." and i yelled "NO WAY!! i just read about that today!" we both agreed how disgusting we thought it was. but her friend swore it was the best pedicure she's ever had.
no way no how.
thanks for tagging me.
i will try to get to it.
it's a fun one.
Just the idea of those fish makes me want to vomit. YUCK!
ReplyDeleteI think I need the ped-egg. My heels are so dry that I think I could file my fingernails with them. :)
Ok...I got a PedEgg and it's completely and totally AWESOME! It does not hurt and it works miracles...take it from me a perfect stranger with crusty heels.
ReplyDeleteA PedEgg is a must here in the desert!! It really does work! I think I'd be a little afraid of the "Fish Pedi".....something about that is just not right! And I totally agree with you abouth the commercial - it is totally gross!