Okay, so the new design stays. For a bit at least. Thank you to everyone for their (honest, I hope) opinions. I totally agree that the two flowers on the side are it's main downfall, especially how they touch the writing on the left side. But for now I like the change. I am on a long waiting list
here to get this whole mess redesigned anyway, so when that happens it will be a happy day!

I watched Jon & Kate Plus 8 the other day and they made Monkey Munch. I remember it as Puppy Chow or Trash and used to make it for my college bible study. I thought it would be fun to make and I actually used Crispix (crispy times two) instead and changed to white chocolate chips (which actually made it way too sweet, so stick with the regular chocolate) so Halley could eat some. (She is allergic to chocolate. Is that not the most cruel allergy?) But, let me just warn you, DO NOT MAKE THIS unless 20 or so hungry non-dieting friends are seconds away from your house. If not, you will be stuck with way too much yummy-ness and you physically will be unable to remove your hand from the bowl. Trust me, it's not pretty. Click on the photo to see it full size and to read the recipe better.

I just wanted to share some of our favorite summer toys, all which I think make fabulous birthday presents. All three have been given to us as gifts and the girls use them every single day. This is our third summer with the
water table and I love it more and more every day. I set it up under an umbrella outside our kitchen window. The girls play, splash and pour and I am able to clean the kitchen and make lunch without worrying about them drowning. I have seen it at Target, Wal-Mart and Toys R Us and is worth every penny.

Aquadoodle is a great year round toy, perfect for road trips too. No mess, and really easy for little hands to draw with. Oh, and is anyone else's kids obsessed with band-aids? Halley finds the tiniest little scratch or dot and is inconsolable until it is band-aided up. The Nexcare tattoo ones are amazing and they don't fall off. They are also the only kind that don't irritate her eczema prone skin.

Halley is going through a Little Mermaid phase right now and she got this little cutie for her birthday. You push a button on her back and Ariel swims through the water. She has been in the ocean, the pool, the tub, the sink, the water table, my coffee cup, and Bass Lake and keeps on kicking her fin along. If only Halley would want to swim along....
Puppy chow (with dark chocolate) is and always has been my FAVORITE treat, ever....I looooooove it. I once ate a whole gallon of it in 2 days, no kidding. Can't be doing that nonsense anymore! Cute water toys!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Monkey Munch recipe!! I saw that episode of Jon and Kate awhile back...I had never heard it called Monkey Munch before! It is funny how different regions of the US call things completely different names!
ReplyDeleteWe have that water table too! It is going on our third summer now as well and the kids LOVE it! I have been known to set it up on our patio while I am cleaning up the kitchen and getting lunch ready also...they LOVE it!!
Thanks for sharing!!
YUM! I am on a diet, so someone else enjoy for me- please!:-) Lori