I have always been fond of the whimsical and magical seahorse.  They seem to be straight out of a fairy tale, not a real creature that lives in the ocean.  A recent fabulous fact I just learned from the book Mister Seahorse (beautifully illustrated by the Hungry Caterpillar's Eric Carle) is the daddy seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch.  I love that the slacker mom has it all figured out.  Please sign me up for that plan!
I just had to get this sweet little scrabble tile pendant from Home Studio.
Notice the same paper from the tubs adorning this funky guy from Damboise Designs.
Today's naptime craft took this sweet, yet permanently stained white dress from the play clothes drawer into regular dress rotation.  You can find the pattern and a great machine applique tutorial here.  


  1. super cute:) i wish we could craft together:)

  2. Cute stuff! It amazes me what people whip up at nap time! I am telling you that I am going to figure my sewing machine out SOON! My parents are coming out for a few days and I have already told my mom that she has to help me get started!!

    Thanks for sharing! By the way...LOVE those tiles! I have them saved as a fave...I just can't decide which one(s) I HAVE to have!!

  3. I love the seahorses...and the soft ocean blues are fantastic!

    You amaze me....time after time. Talented and a you find the greatest buys! I may have to include one in my etsy love!

  4. Beautiful! You did a great job on the dress!

  5. oooh I love seahorses, too! They really don't seem real! :) I found some amazing seahorse stuffed animals on Etsy, I think they are on my favorites!! SO awesome! xo!

  6. you always find the sweetest goodies on etsy! and thanks for the tutorial link!

  7. Years back, my husband and I had a good-natured turned semi-ugly arguement because he insisted seahorses weren't real. Love it when I'm right. :)
    Great idea for placing an applique over a stain. My daughter's wardrobe has TONS of potential for that little project.

  8. Love the seahorse dress! Too cute...I really love those tiles!

  9. What a great way to cover stained clothing...I am soo going to do this now...thanks!

  10. What a clever crafter you are!! Love it and very insipiring!!

  11. These are the perfect whimsy. I don't see enough sea horses around. And I love Home Studio's charms. Fun blog!
