Five years ago I learned to surf during our youth group's surf camp. I conquered my irrational fear of sharks all in the name of ministry. My theory is that as a leader you need to be willing to do what you are asking the students to do. Other pursuits include: rock climbing, lazer tag, wake boarding, white water rafting, snowboarding, all-nighters (least favorite), house building, paintball, ropes courses, weird food relays, wacky costumes, talent show embarrassments... all while being nearly old enough to be many of their mothers. I ended up surfing pretty much every single day of that entire summer and am so glad that the camp forced me to learn. Now I don't really have the luxury of staying out in the water for three hours and then taking a nap on my towel. My primary beach duties involve making sure Halley doesn't get wet above her knees (if so major drama and tears ensue) and preventing Lucy from swimming out to Catalina Island (I seriously believe that she would try if given the freedom to do so).

Posted in ministry, vacation