That some things taste so much better when somebody else makes it for you?
Jason woke me up this morning as his mom was on the way to our house and took me on a little date to get pancakes.   We went to Original Pancake House (don't go thinking it was IHOP... ewww) and I ordered my most favorite Buckwheat Pancakes.  Whole grain happiness.
I found a recipe here if you would like to make your own.  I might give it a try, but I fear they won't measure up to what I will likely dream about for weeks.
What are the foods that although you try and try to make yourself, are worth a trip out for?


  1. Protein Pancakes at US EGG!!! It's here in Scottsdale, AZ. Best pancakes E.V.E.R!!! ;) I tried to make them once... didn't even come close! I also love IHOP's pumpkin pancakes during the fall. They are absolutely delicious. I made pumpkin pancakes once, and I must say, they weren't half bad, but IHOP'S were better. he he. I love sweet breakfasts! can you tell? :D

  2. Oh...this is going to sound silly, but these banana smoothies that Jamba Juice used to make before switching their menu. I love banana anything and I would love that smoothie recipe. Mine never comes out banana enough.

  3. oh how i miss that apple pancake from here.
    in Illinois it was called walker brothers original pancake house. once afte having a baby i told my husband the only thing i wanted was a big apple pancake to go. i ate the whole thing!!!
    oh i am hungry.

  4. Olive Garden breadsticks! lol I always make my own pancakes from scratch and its sooooo fun to let my oldest help!!! =]
