On our little outing today I noticed the sheer amount of handmade or Etsy items that I had unintentionally brought with me.  While Jason and the girls were off playing and Janey and I were sitting in the shade, the nerd in me had to document it in a dorky photo shoot.

Enjoy the fabric yumminess.
Burp cloth from this tutorial and my cozy camera strap from Shey B.

Car seat cover from Sassy Stork and tent from this tutorial.

Snack bags from Splendid Things.

Camera bag from Tracy Joy.

Funky zebra purse from Mollie by Design.

Bag I made from Etsy fabric and matching tag from Sunny Day Tags.

Diaper and wipes clutch I made from Etsy fabric.

Nursing cover from this tutorial.

Janey's new favorite thing... a Baby Hawk Mei Tai carrier.

Enough of that nerdyness....
the real reason you are checking in today...
is to find out the winner of the messy flowers, right?

Hooray for:
You and your sweet girl will be so cute with the big buttons.

Thanks to all of you for your favorite blog links!
I have been popping over to each one and I am loving them.
So many I have never visited before and are just fantastic.
When I finish I will finally add my list to the sidebar.
I couldn't have done it without your suggestions.

Don't cry if you didn't win...
I am going to list a bunch of the flowers in my shop in the next few days.
I might just give another set away soon too... who knows?


  1. Ah! I am so excited! My husband is getting annoyed because I am using my sing-song voice announcing how excited I am!! Woohoo!!! I can do nothing else this week to make me any happier!!!! Thank you so much!

  2. I wanna be in your nerd club!!! You must be the coolest mom in the OC to have all of that rockin' fabric!!!

  3. I totally want to join your nerd club :)

  4. You are not a nerd just one cool chic! I have to stay away from your etsy favorites because I always like what you pick...and then before I know it I have bought like 20 fabric snack dothingamabobs and like 10 fabric baby balls...its such and addiction..I just love hand made! SAVE HAND MADE EVERYONE!

  5. Count me in your nerd club too.
    I thought for sure I grabbed the win because I so *nicely* linked some of my favorites. All you had to do was click, click, click. Darn!

  6. haha! Look at you! I love it - I'm an Etsy nerd, too - but you definitely have more yummy stuff than I do. A big shout-out for hand-made - YAHOO!
