1. Hi Joy! Some of us local girls are having a "Jewels for Cora" party this Thursday to raise $$ for Joel and Jess and honor Cora on her birthday. Do you have any idea how much $$ has been raised for her playground from the Etsy site? We decided just to give ours directly to Joel and Jess to help with any bills, etc. but I thought it would be fun to share about the playground. Is there anyway of knowing that?

  2. Ironic because we just received your package in the mail today! I could hardly wait to see the girls in your creative, beautiful handcrafted goodness. Check out our blog if you want to see your work on two little heads! :)

    And the included thank-you picture was one of the best parts. Our two year old put "Baby Co-wa" on her memory board where we can remember to pray for them all!

  3. LOVE your pins and so appreciate all that you are doing for Cora. I have something for you on my blog when you have a chance to come by. :D

  4. I've awarded you with a lemonade award for your blog! Your blog is one of my favorites. I'm glad that you are back from your break in hopes that you can participate!

  5. We received our pin & headband last week. I've worn the pin almost everyday since and get SO many compliments. I love it...and I love the idea behind it. You rock. Thank you.
