the critters have been spending much of their free time
(and cornstarch)
outside doing this...
while I have been spending much of my free time baby cuddling...

but next on our list is making new wall art for their room.
I can't wait to watch them make these initials,

and it is nearly time to make this year's version 2.0 of this from last year.

drop what you are doing and go paint!


  1. SO neat! I love these ideas and we love to do some painting around here!

  2. I love those initials. Such a great idea.


  3. The initials are so cute! Can't wait to see them...

  4. Great! now I have something to do with the kids next week when they are out of camp! The feet and hand print art is really cute!!!

  5. So cute. So bright. So happy.

    I like your blog.

    Heck, I like YOU! Have I told you that lately? I might just break into a song now...

  6. The handprints and feetprints on the canvas are sooo cute. How do you cut out the letters? Do you have a template you use for the letters or do you just write them on the fabric before you cut them out? What do you use to cut them out? I'm going to try and do this activity while we are on vacation next week as a fun craft to do. I was just going to grab some scraps of fabric and use them for letters. Is that what you did? Thanks for your help.

  7. Yesterday afternoon I read your blog and an hour later was back home from JoAnn's and Michael's with the supplies to make the canvas paintings. I will be back hopefully later today with a link to our work. Thanks for such great ideas! :0)

  8. Here is a link to my boy's canvas paintings if you are interested.

    Thanks for such an awesome idea! It was super easy and fun. :0)

  9. i LOVE these ideas. thanks for sharing!
