I hate surprises.
Hate, hate, hate them.
My worst nightmare?
A surprise party.
I am fairly easygoing, but I need to know what is coming up next.
Really, really need to know.
Panic if I don't know.
I smelled a surprise on the horizon.
I started panicking.

Jason, knowing I was nearing a total meltdown,
let me know we were going away for the night.
Panic subsided and I packed a bag.

We headed south and stopped at my favorite restaurant ever.
Kono's in Pacific Beach.
It is worth the drive alone.
There is always a line out the door.
It's that good.
Seriously, it is unacceptable to be in San Diego without eating there.
The best.
I would have been a happy girl if that was my whole surprise.
But it wasn't.
As I was waiting in line, he snuck over to "get a brochure".
He came back with a key.
A place that I have wanted to stay at forever.
Did I mention that it is not really a hotel?
They are cottages. On the pier. Over the ocean.

Janey was our mascot.
In the cottage.
On the pier.
Over the ocean.

While we ate our lunch from Konos,
she sat in her happy Bumbo,
on the pier.
over the ocean.
This is the view.
From the cottage.
On the pier.
Over the ocean.
Those are waves.
From the deck.
Of our cottage.
On the pier.
Over the ocean.
I could live here forever.
With the wood ceilings,
and beachy feel.
If this quilt was turquoise it might have accidently fallen in my bag.
Just saying.
This is the one and only time you will see this curly girl's mess sans flat iron.
Because I was staying in a cottage.
On the pier.
Over the ocean,
and I didn't care.
Janey's all...
"I'm on a table,
at to a cottage,
on a pier,
over the ocean!"
From the deck.
Of the cottage.
On the pier.
Over the ocean.

The End.

Best. Anniversary. Surprise. Ever.


  1. what a wonderful suprise.. looks amazing

  2. Wow - we've vacationed just down the beach from there! We walked right by Crystal Pier and the restaurant! Makes me miss it so much more!

  3. wow!! I SO wanna go there!! I am SUCH a "water baby". Great Anniversary present!! I'm digging your curly locks, BTW.

  4. that picture of janey on the table is AWESOME!!
    what a great surprise. :)

  5. Every single one of your posts cracks me up! Glad you had so much fun on your cottage on the pier over the ocean. I think I would have had an anxiety attack because I don't like the piers so much.

  6. love, love, LOVE it. how could I have never heard of this place - my husband's a sd native, for cryin out loud! hmmm ... our 10th anniversary's coming up, so I'm thinking this would be a perfect place to spend it. thanks for all the fun peeks into your time there :)

  7. what an awesome surprise!! What a fun place to stay! That is so neat! I want to stay there next time we go to SD!! And, I am LOVING that picture of Janey with the gorgeous sunset in the background! Glad you had a great anniversary!

  8. Amazing! And by the way, your hair is gorgeous, you may just want a vacation every now and then from the flat iron, you are beautiful with curly hair!

  9. That was an awesome surprise! I like your curly hair.

  10. Love it! Your hubby is so sweet! And Janey is TOO cute for words. PS I love your cute hair! You have the best of both worlds. You can wear it curly or straight. Not fair.

  11. How super fantastic! What a sweet hubby you have :)
    I love that surprise, (I typically hate surprises as well.. I'm a planner.) AND those cottages. on the pier. over the ocean. I could probably stay there forever as well. I love the ocean, the sounds the smell, everything. so jealous.

    And Janey. Always smiling. I can't get enough!

  12. Glad you had a great time!!!! I hate surprises too but my husband always has them for me and I am clueless that it is about to happen, LOL

    The pic of Janey in the yellow dress in mid air was too funny!!!

  13. What a great surprise! And a cute baby, too! Question...did you make Janey's pinafore? If so, do you mind telling what pattern you used? I have a pattern that I use but it buttons at the shoulders and I don't really like that. Thanks!

  14. What a great surprise!! And, I love your curly hair!! I *wish* I had curly hair! Janey might be just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Ever.

    PS - I'm passing on an "Honest Scrap" award! http://leilasmom.blogspot.com/

    PPS - Happy Anniversary!

  15. you are 10 blocks away from me right now...if you're there right now....so cool! I'd love to meet you in person...but i guess that'd be weird since you're celebrating your anniversary! :) i run by the crystal pier every morning...yes i'm one of the crazy runners pushing a double jogger! :) i hope you had/have a blast...we LOVE it here in San Diego!

  16. What a wonderful hubby and surprise! And the baby. in the bumbo. at the cottage. on the pier. is adorable!!!

  17. Ohhhh wow that is one great surprise!!! And seriously your hair is super duper cute curly!! And your daughter is just about the happiest baby I have ever seen! happy anniversary!

  18. aaah so lovely!
    great that the gull was in the sunset pic.
    PS i think your hair is gorgeous.

  19. Wow! What a beautiful place. Maybe if I keep hinting for the next 5 years, I'll get that for my 11th anniversary.

  20. What a wonderful mini-cation!!
    Your pictures are beautiful and your narrating is, as always, great! Janey is one of the most photogenic babies, ever! Great post and here's to many many more happy years for your family!

  21. I live in Ohio, so you have NO idea how jealous I am of your little trip! Janey obviously had a fabulous time, and her DRESS is to die for! ;-) Just had to say it!
    Your husband is one good man, thats to be sure! Congrats!

  22. that is my mom's favorite place. what a great guy jason is. happy anniversary. so happy you were
    in a cottage on the pier over the ocean :O)
    And baby in tow. love it.

  23. How FUN! I have ALWAYS wanted to stay there!! I have been going to San Diego every year for my whole life and actually lived there for 4 1/2 years and I have NEVER {gasp!} eating at Kono's! I will have to go when we are there in October!

  24. That picture of your girl with the sunset is the best! Glad that you had a great time!

  25. Wow, I would love that. Glad you had a good anniversary! I will have to tell my sis-in-law about that place, she lives in San Diego.

  26. I'm so jealous of your anniversary
    in a cottage
    on a pier
    over the ocean!


  27. Hmm, so I should probably cancel that huge surprise I was planning for you next weekend...

    I love surprises! And I love San Diego. We have a lot of family there and I'd love to live there.
    In a cottage.
    On a pier.
    Over the ocean.

  28. Awwwww! What a great husband. :) And a PRECIOUS baby!

  29. What a great post! I too hate surprises...but THIS surprise I could learn to like!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!!

  30. That sounds wonderful! And your post is to cute! I love the pics with Janie looking all cute and stuff!

  31. Ok, so how is it that I spent my whole live in San Diego county and never knew about that place??? Now I've moved (unwillingly) and I will HAVE to go there when I get to go home. Looks like a dream!

  32. Yay...you were in my neck of the woods! Can you believe I've never been to Kono's? We've been trying to get a trip to Hodad's in but the line is always out the door as well. That's an AWESOME anniversary gift!

  33. You are such a lucky girl!!! Your pictures are so amazing!! Your daughter brings a huge smile to my face! Not to mention, I am partial to baldy babies (as both of mine were baldy's!)! And the Bumbo is like the best baby invention ever!!! I think your hubby should talk to my hubby and drop a few hints with "what women really want"! LOL!

  34. Ah San Diego... Pacific Beach... I want to be there now!!!

  35. Great surprise and I would so love to go there.

  36. Can I just say that I love, Love, LOVE that you took Janey with you!?! Awesome pictures for what sounds like an equally awesome time...Glad you had fun!!!


  37. What an apsolutly fabulous husband. Definatly an awesome surprise!

  38. I wanna kiss that cute baby's cheek!

  39. For a girl who has no real care to ever leave the East Coast, this makes me want to go all the way to the other ocean! And, it has to be said, that last picture of Janey is SO, SO, SO, SO spectacular. l-o-v-e it!

  40. Absolutely love those pix. Also would love to stay in that cottage. On the pier. Over the ocean.

  41. This blog post consisted of just about all my favorite prepositional phrases, ever.

    Jealous! So....very....

    But happy anniversary! And I don't understand why you don't just go with the curls...they look awesome.

  42. sweet fun!
    i hide my curly (frizzy) mop too unless i am at the beach where i lose all control over it.
