I truly have the most wonderful friends.
Rare friends.
Real friends.

We even have our own little club.

The Aqua Apron Sisters

A long time ago the White Apron Sisters were founded.

Among them is Alicia's mother.

They are a group of women who love to entertain, yet hate to entertain alone. Together they pool their talents, gifts and abilities to be an unstoppable force.

When Alicia grew up she founded her own branch, The Pink Apron Sisters. After being a guest at many a Pink Apron party we decided to start our own branch.

Of course it was going to be aqua...

Together we plan parties. Showers. Brunches. We each bring our unique skills, sit over coffee brainstorming and delegating. If one of us is having a birthday, a baby, an anniversary, the other six plan the party.

Oh the parties they plan.

Let me just tell you it is the best thing in the world. We have known each other for so long and are so familiar with how each other thinks that we are a crazy, productive team.

These are the kind of friends who will happily work together and leave the house cleaner than when the party started.

Don't get me started on the decorating, the food. Oh, the food.
Plus, we all share dishes, tablecloths, serving pieces.
Each of us has cute stuff, imagine cute stuff multiplied by seven!

When all of our kids get married, watch out. They are going to have Martha worthy weddings.
We have only been around for two years. In those two years we have thrown some unbelievable parties. Parties that we would never have been able to pull off alone. Parties that are special and fun. Never stressful. Isn't that how it should be?

So grab your dearest friends.
Make some aprons and plan some parties.


  1. How fun!! Does anyone want to start a Nor Cal branch with me?

  2. That is such a fabulous idea. I love having parties. I love planning them, but having my besties to join in the fun would be AWESOME!

  3. Sounds like a great bunch of friends....great idea!!

  4. This is so great!

    I love the whole idea!!!


  5. Love this! Seriously, best idea ever! There is nothing better than awesome girlfriends! And, LOVE your aprons! Cuteness!

  6. You girls are so cute! And your coordinating aprons are just adorable. Please dig up some pictures of some of those parties to share with us - you have no idea how inspiring you are, Julie. The 'fun'ness of your ideas takes away the fear of trying something creative. xo

  7. This is such a lovely way to do things! All the creative thoughts we want to include can sometimes get a bit overwhelming when it comes to a deadline like a party, but having like-minded busy bees to work with is a real luxury. You are so blessed!

  8. I want to be a part of the aqua apron sisters! Too bad I live on the East Coast. What an great way to use everyone's God-given talents and gifts. LOVE IT!

  9. Your the coolest! What a fun group of friends you have :)

  10. Aw thats REALLY COOL!!!
    I really liked the below post about the sweet 16 girl! Has she by any chance ever read and of the Chrisy Miller series- or the Katie Weldon?! I have a special place in my heart for Africa!

  11. That is seriously one of the best things I have ever heard!

  12. how fun is that?!
    Wish I had some friends like that.
    My closest friends live hours from me :(

  13. oh my gosh. i love it!!!
    how fun. lets see......i am already thinking of some fun ideas and some great friends.
    thanks julie :O)

  14. Wow, I would love to start a branch like that. Such a great way to build relationships.

  15. That sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I could find some friends like that! So hard to find friends in a new town. I say new, but its been 8 years!

  16. How wonderfully fun!! I just moved to a new house 1000 miles away from anyone I know. Hopefully I can find some fun new friends and steal this idea!

  17. I love this idea! I have such great friends and I think we would make great "yellow apron friends"...since we live in sunny southern California! :)

  18. Wow. You are so fortunate. Can I join? I don't have a single friend I could make an apron sister like that. I hope you know how rare it is to have such an amazing group of friends. That's wonderful.

  19. LOVE it!!! Small world.. I know Jacque! We went to the same church YEARS ago... love her! My girlfriends and I do the same thing and you've inspired me to give us a fun name too :-)
