To write yesterday's post, I had to get a bag of Bugles, because hello...  the road trip Bugles were long gone.  Wouldn't you know that my friendly neighborhood Target had them on sale.  Holla.  But, not only the caramel ones, a whole new version of Bugles goodness.  Chocolate.  Peanut. Butter.

{Mr. Snacks kindly asked me to save him some.  I did.  He wasn't specific how many exactly.}

Be still my chocolate loving heart.

I have always hope that Chex would package their Puppy Chow/Trash/Monkey Much.
Now I don't have to.  The Chocolate Peanut Butter Bugles totally remind me of that scrumptious snack.  Which also reminded me to dig this out of ye olde blog archives, you know, in case you feel like making it instead of running to Target this very second to buy yourself a bag.

Back to Target, you know for my "blog research" trip.  I had the littles with me.  But that didn't stop me from opening the bag as soon as I got to the van.

The following conversation took place in the Target parking lot:

(Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.  Crunch, crunch, crunch.)

Kid 1:  Mom what are you eating?
Me:  Onion chips.  (Crunch, crunch, crunch.)
Kid 2:  What do they taste like?
Me:  Crazy, super spicy, really oniony, onions.  (Crunch, crunch, crunch.)
Kid 1:  (Sigh.  Sad face.)  Oh.
Me:  Do you want to try one?  (Crunch, crunch, crunch.)
Kid 1 & Kid 2: (In unison.)  NO THANK YOU!!!!

And scene.

Yes.  I am a lying liar who lies.
Sue me.
But if you tried them, you would be too.


  1. I'm impressed you made it to the van. I usually open while pushing the cart down the snack aisle:-)

  2. I tried that once, and then the 3 year old said, "but I smell chocolate"... BUSTED...

  3. You are so bad, hah. I have had the "but I smell chocolate happen." They sound good.

  4. Time consuming but SO worth it....

    Take the regular Bugels and fill the "horn with peanut butter (use a zip lock with a hole cut in corner). Then dip the open end in chocolate. Put on wax paper until chocolate is hard. To die for good!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. the lie doesn't count if its about some kind of sugery snack that your kids shouldn't eat anyways, because really, you're helping them healthy, so its not lying, its helping. :) there, feel better?

  7. ha!! i use the "super spicy, melt your mouth, and make cry" line when i don't want to share, too!!

  8. Some day your kids will turn on you and stomp you unconscious when you don't share good snacks. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Until then, however, you go, girl.

  9. i'm going on a road trip on friday and am so going to go buy some bugles before we leave. and maybe on the road, too.
    the only thing is, bugles always remind of that "corn chip nail tips" saturday night live commercial with tracy morgan and maya rudolph. remember that? i tried to find a clip of it, but couldn't.
    i used to always turn my bugles into witch nails before eating them, but that fake commercial kinda grossed me out. :)

  10. Actually, Chex does package their chocolate/p.b. mix. It is called Muddy Buddies, and was available this last Christmas season. There are a few places online where they are still available - I just bought a case!

  11. ack! It's official I must get some before I take a trip this weekend! :)

  12. ok totally unrelated (well, kinda related...) my new fave snack: pretzels dipped in the vanilla buttercream from the salted caramel cupcakes... bad news.

  13. You make me laugh.
    Covert snack eating is a skill only some moms have.
    Ninja moms have it.
    You rock ninja mom.
    Love from,

  14. That is the best story ever. Pretty little liar :)

  15. Onion chips!!! You totally made my night :) hehe! LOVE IT!

  16. The old "super spicy oniony" trick, it's a classic! I am so guilty of the same thing. When caught sneaking chocolate without wanting to share with my kids I have resorted to asking them what they think I'm eating, when they guess dirt or poop I don't correct them. So they think mommy eats dirt and poop, oh well, at least I don't have to share my chocolate!

  17. You made me laugh so hard I cried...seriously that is hilarious and I love it......sounds like a convo we have..but Im not near as creative....Love me some peanut butter and chocolate. Thanks for the laugh.

  18. I as wondering if I was the only "MOM OF THE YEAR" that used the spicy trick to not share with their child. Nope, I guess I have to share the title and happy to do it.

  19. These last two posts have had me in stitches. I read the last one to my friend and told my husband all about it. Too funny. Love the picture of how many you left for your honey. Priceless story.

  20. HILARIOUS! Now I reaaaallllly need to go to Target today.

  21. Ha! Your so funny, but I have also totally done that before. I mean we dont have to share Everything right?

  22. I said this with the salted caramel cupcakes and I'll say it again. I hate you but I love you. I got some at the grocery store today.

    Woman I have 10 weeks until I am doing boudoir photos, so PLEASE no more snack posts until the first weekend in October.

  23. Did you ever get the DMB cd's?

  24. I make puppy chow w/ my kinder class ... they love it. They act as though they've never seen a wooden spoon or melted chocolate when I make it for them & let them help. LOL.

    I LOVE this stuff. addictive.

    'monkey munch' always makes me think of the Gosselin kids ... thus, makes me sad. :(

  25. So I totally made the chex muddy buddies (same thing, right??) for my Sunday School class once, and guess what? THEY HATED IT. H-A-T-E-D I-T. So bummer, I had to eat it all...well tried to eat it all until my stomach protested.

  26. When I was in Iowa a few weeks ago, the grocery store DID have packaged puppy chow for sale....OH MY!!!!!!!!YUM!!!!!!

  27. Oh my goodness, I am DYING at what you told your kids. That is HILARIOUS!! I'm totally using that one. Although, my son would probably still want to try it. My daughter, probably not. And we are super fans of Puppy CHOW! YUM!! Thanks for the laugh!!

  28. because i live 3000 miles away, you're just going to trust me when i say i'm not a stalker. because i love you. you crack me up. you often echo my own soul. for are sneaky w/ your snacks around your kids. I too love Jesus, but I hide my chocolate from my four little lovelies. And because we'll probably never meet I can pretend you are my friend hiding in the bathroom eating snacks while our kids play and eat plain boring pretzels because we have the chocolate covered ones.

  29. Not sure if someone has mentioned this already, but don't you know you can't *really* enjoy Bugles properly unless you put one on every finger like claws and act like a complete dork

  30. Oh my you are too funny and I will admit I have been there, done that ;) My next trip to Targe I'm totally getting some...would go now but it's like 45 minutes away and I'm waiting on the AC man!

  31. julie - we are en route to wisconsin, somewhere in the middle of pennsylvania, 10.5 more hours to go...but, s'all good cuz i gots my caramel bugles! holla!

  32. THANKS..I mean.... NO THANKS for the bugles post..YEAH had to get in the car with "family of 3boys Snacks" and load up. Not only 1 Target BUT 2!!!!!

    The first Target only had peanut butter chocolate and I had to try the caramel, so I and the boys could see unicorns..OH YEAH, we saw them and heard the birds chirping , traffic came to a halt. etc...( You get the picture)

    Keep writing and making me and the boys laugh...we appreciate you!!!!!

  33. After I read this the other day they were handing out samples at the grocery store. OMG! Bought a bag of the pb & choc and the caramel ones. MMMMM, MMMMM!

  34. okay so I just had an addition to the caramel Bugles snack... OH MY GOSH I just tried them for the first time and at the same time I opened the bag my daughter had just finished popping some buttery popcorn (I think you know where I am going...) so yes, a handful of the yummy sweet caramel bugles mixed with a handful of hot buttery popcorn. DELISH! It totally reminded me of the commercial "hey you just got your peanut butter in my chocolate" I think I just invented something BIG! Lol. Enjoy!

  35. Okay, so Alicia made me read this one as it reminds her of my usual "pour lots of salt in the iced blended" tactic so my kids have one taste and decide they don't like coffee :). You're hilarious, once again!
