1. yes yes YES! socks are my nemesis and towels are my oasis. i could fold and roll towels ALL day long. i actually enjoy it. i wish i could ban socks off the earth.

  2. AMEN!!!

    to less laundry!!!

    i like folding towels too. :-)

  3. I know you're a havianas fan but do you buy them for the girls too? We've always been a Reefs family but I don't care for their color selection this year. :(

  4. Oh my goodness, she looks just like you!!

  5. Your girls are SO. DANG. CUTE. Would rather do laundry in the summer than any other season. At least you can have fun getting more towels wet while you wait for some to dry!

  6. So how many times do you think towels (used for the pool only) and bathing suits/trunks can go without a washing and just a line dry? I'm debating this myself and thinking at least 2-3 days right?

  7. I'm cracking up because I actually did just finish a load and was complaining to myself how much I hate doing laundry...especially mathching socks..UGH!
    Your daughter is beautiful!

  8. I love summer too!
    Less laundry = more fun with the kids :)

  9. SOOOO True. I am right there with ya!

  10. yep I am so with you on this one :)

    xo ellie

  11. Im soooo looking forward to our summer travels for this same reason! Its so much easier to pack in the summer. No big bulky clothing,coats,etc... and of course, less laundry. Thank you Jesus for summertime:)

  12. Less laundry... ahhh. so very true!

  13. If only our sun will come out and warm things up a tad! :)

  14. i'm totally thinking like andrea. we never wash suits. towels are a few uses, huh? unless people wad them up on the floor and leave them.

  15. That IS the best part of the summer! As I kid, I ached for summer days when I spent all day in my swimsuit running around outside, playing in the sprinkler, and going to my neighborhood pool. You can't get much better then that in life:)

  16. GOOO GRACIOUS this picture is FAN-TAB-U-LOUS!!! What a little angel face. Amen to less laundry too...I have a laundry epedemic going on in my household.
