My smiley baby girl is sick.
Sad, sad, pathetic sick.
Land us in the urgent care sick.
Waiting for strep test sick.
(Negative!  Yay!)
Mean doctor telling me that I need to 
stay away from her until my delivery sick.

How can I not hold my littlest girl when she needs me?

 How can I not rock her to sleep?

My charming, silly, mismatched sunshine girl.
During her last few days of being the baby in this house?

I miss her happy face.
She is going to be such a great big sister, 
but for the next few days I want to be with my charming baby.

Go away tiny ugly germs.
You are not invited to this party.


  1. oh man that must be hard. So sorry that you can't hold her during these last few days, I remember just how precious they are. :( Hoping she feels better soon!

  2. just about as sweet as it gets right there!
    sorry she isn't feeling well...

  3. Boo! Wear a hospital mask! And, pretend your Darth Vader :)Plus, germs are good for babies, right? Boosts the immune system ;)

  4. the same thing happened to my baby last year 3 days before my c-section. no fun. i feel for you!

  5. I am so sorry. The night before I had my 4th (5 weeks ago) I was up all night with my oldest who had sleep apnea. Stopping breathing all night long--no fun! Next morning at the dr. turns out both my boys had strep and my son's breathing was so bad he was going to go to the hospital if we couldn't get it better by the end of the day. I just KNEW I would be having the baby that day and was so torn up with caring for me and new baby and my biggest baby.
    It makes a grand story now, but at the time it was no fun.
    I'll pray for you as you deal with all that these last days hold for you. And so excited for you to meet your boy! I have 3 boys and 1 girl--we should get together.
    Much love from, Greta

  6. oh, poor sweet girl.
    i hope those tiny icky germs leave right away!

  7. so sorry to hear, Julie! hope she gets better quick. we have sick littles over here too. happy to snuggle, but so hard to see them suffer. :(

  8. The same thing happened to me a month ago when I was due any day and both of my kids were sick and got me sick. My biggest worry was getting my newborn sick, but luckily they have an advantage because the antibodies against the disease pass to them through milk. I on the other hand got even more sick and broke a high fever right after delivery and was sick for good three weeks :( my immune system was terribly weakened because of unnecessary antibiotics I was given prior to labor, otherwise I would of been fine. Just take lots of vitamins and take care of yourself, and don't worry about giving your little one hugs and kisses right now, that's what she needs the most anyways.

  9. Praying for your little one AND your littler one!! Take care-blessings!

  10. Praying for a shield of protection to come over your house this week, hang in there!

  11. awh i hope she is feeling better quickly. and you too. stay healthy!!
    happy next few days to you :)

  12. so sad for her, and for you. :( but praying for quick healing so everyone can enjoy the JOY on its way!!! :)

  13. Love your blog! Hope your baby feels better.

  14. No fun! I hope she is feeling better soon.

  15. I hope mama and daddy don't get sick! I can really relate. My baby boy was due in January and my little girl and daddy got sick days before I had the little guy. It was a really bad flu. I was taking extra vitamins, resting as much as a pregnant lady can, and using clorox wipes on everything!! Some how all of that must have worked because my older son and I never got sick, thankfully.

  16. Love that thumb in the mouth! 2 of mine sucked fingers, and my last one sucks his thumb and shoves his index finger into alternating nostrils at the same time! The nose thing kinda takes away from the cutest of the thumb in the mouth! Praying for health and lots of joy for you in the next few days and weeks.

  17. Oh, thats awful! You've been in my thoughts lately with that sweet little girl being sick, now I'm definitely praying for healing for her before baby brother comes home! You stay healthy too momma!

  18. Awe..poor baby! And you too..praying for your sweet girl to get better and for you to stay well!

  19. So sorry your littlest little (for now) is sick. :( I can't wait to meet the newest addition to your rad, colorful , full of life family. I bet the girls were so excited to be getting a baby brother.

  20. Bald baby is just too gorgeous!
