Hello edible.
So good you don't even need chips.  Just a spoon.  Make it.  Now.
Hello Jedi Training Academy at Discovery Science Center.
Hello happy husband.
Hello Boba Fett's gun.
Hello Star Wars exhibit that we will visit 1,000 times.
 Hello cupcakes.
 Hello hoodies at the beach.
Hello craft fairs.

Goodbye house guests.
We miss you.
Come back soon.

Hello Thanksgiving break.
You are going to be fun!

{Say hello to Monday with the lovely Lisa Leonard.}


  1. Tudo é tão lindo que colorido por aqui!!!
    Linkei seu blog!!
    Bjinhu e boa semana!!Deus abençoe!

  2. oh my goodness, your little man is just TOO PRECIOUS!

  3. your little man is soo precious, i love those pictures!

  4. Could your baby be any cuter? Not sure it's possible...those eyes!

  5. Ok... I missed QB but now I want those frame recipe card holders. Do you have any left?!

  6. Will you ever sell some of your goodies to those of us not living in Cali? Show a New Yorker some love and sell to me Julie!:)

  7. hello most favorite hostess ever. we luhhhhh-ved hanging out with you guys.

    we'll be back next weekend. with our kids and our dog.

  8. Sounds like quite a week! love all your snaps. Baby boy is so scrumptious. Totally inspired by Lisa (and you!) to do my first hello monday today :)

  9. How did you know I was looking for a salsa recipe?! Our neighbor in denton (wow, 3 years ago) used to make the best salsa. Mr. B. told me how much he missed it last night. We might move back now :)

  10. Ok...I'm dying to see this years pics. As always I love the bunting. You rock!

  11. Wait, is this a JOKE how cute Shane is?! Love him!

    Kristina Gulino

  12. Oh that smile! Melt me. Can't wait to see your Christmas pics! That set up looks fantastic.

  13. I've been wanting to go to the Discovery Center--to use our passes again--to go tomorrow or take a half day in December? That is the question: )

  14. Shane is ridicously cute...I can barely stand it! And...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your mini session styling. You rock.

  15. Hello cutie pie! Such beautiful blue eyes! Going to have to try that salsa too. I am a salsa addict. It's always in our fridge or pantry. :)

  16. Your little man has the biggest eyes! LOVE!
