A peek into babyday and the hospital vacay via Instagram.

I didn't have to check into the hospital until 10am, couldn't eat, and knew that I needed a distraction to help keep me from TOTALLY FREAKING OUT.
Drew suggested a pre-babyday blowout at Drybar.
Best idea ever.
Some girls love them a mani-pedi.
This girl bites her fingernails (I know gross...  totally aware of the grossness) and can do her own toes.  But a fancy wash and styley-style while I read gossip mags?  That for sure will take my mind off of the upcoming scalpels and scariness.

All checked in and waiting...
Sort of FREAKING OUT, sort of crying that this pregnancy is over, sort of excited to meet the little guy, sort of ready, sort of totally give me a few more weeks.
But all of this with pretty hair.

 Sweet Shauna gave me this vintage flash card.  Did the mister think I was loco as I asked him to turn around on the way to the hospital because I forgot it?  Maybe.  Am I glad I ran back in to fetch it?  Absolutely.

 For the first time ever... I can say I heart my guys PLURAL!!!!

Careful.  This guy for sure will make you catch baby fever.

Because the baby man had some breathing issues, and I had some crazy reactions to drugs issues, we got to stay an extra day.  I am so thankful for that extra day.  I would have taken ten more if they let me.  The hospital was so calm and dreamy, the nurses were phenomenal. I had no other job but to rest and stare at the wonder that is Shane.   It was really hard to leave.

But leave we did.  It is crazy how small they seem in their car seats for the first time.  Crazy how quickly that changes.  Crazy how cute he is in this little squirrel-owl hat from Drew.

Home he came to our land of pink.  I do not exaggerate when I say that everything is pink here.  He had some fairly strong objections to his sister's hot pink changing pad cover.  Welcome to life little guy.  Just wait until you have to use princess sippy cups and pink legos.

What did you do this week?
Link up your sweet and simple moments with me at:

life rearranged

We had a happy, full week as a family of five, busily preparing to add another tiny human to the chaos.
Here is a peek into our days through Instagram.

 The handsome mister had a birthday, complete with a Star Wars pinata, boat ride, emergency cupcakes for our brave trip through Carmageddeon (biggest media fueled sham since Y2K, we have never driven to LA faster) and topped off with an old school arcade cabinet for the iPad.  It was a good one if I might say so myself.

Girl week wouldn't be complete without a cousins trip to the American Girl store for lunch and doll hair dos.  At the doll hair salon.  Yes.  There is such a thing and it is spectacular.  Girly fabulous.  

 Just a bit of the carnage that was Bakingpalooza 2011 with Drew.  So fun.  But soooooo messy.  Times like these I especially miss my very-efficient-at-floor-cleaning dog.  Other times too, I'm not heartless, but especially these times.

Rainbow nails... all of the kool kids are doing it and now I know why.  Seriously cute, and I am not a nail polish girl.  These little rainbow hands have changed all of that.
Best accompanied by a few games of Pretty Pretty Princess.

My kitchen foibles continue.  Somehow I had extra boil-y water that freakishly cracked my mason jar and filled the barely recovered kitchen with tea.  Rad.

These three things deserve sooooo much credit.  I dosed our little family up like crazy and we washed hands like loco OCD people.  All in an attempt to fight the tiny ugly germs, so operation c-section could go as scheduled.  It worked brilliantly.  Somehow the rest of us escaped the summer plague.

Never ever, ever let a scrap go to waste.
Because you never know when you need to make Big, Bigger and Biggest sister shirts.

Which the girls are wearing TODAY!!!!

To meet their BROTHER!!!!

Yay yay yay yay!!!!

Excitedly freaking out.

Can't wait to see him.
Can you?

Link up your little silly and simple moments here:

life rearranged


I am not normally that fun mom that loves messes or craziness in the kitchen.
I don't like PlayDoh.  Not a huge fan of finger paints.  Don't even get me started on the evil that is Moon Sand.

Baking alone while everyone sleeps is one of my favorite things.  Just my boyfriend, Dave Matthews and I.

But once in a while you need to let that all go.
You need to let your kids go through all of your flour.  All of your sugar.  All of your eggs.  Nearly all of your sprinkles.  Three batches of frosting.

Because that is what happy childhood memories are made of.

I am so thankful for Drew B.

She has talked me off of the "BOYS ARE SCARY" ledge one million times and it has been so fun being pregnant at the same time. I love that she is having a girl, because I love being the mama of girls.  I love that she knew that we needed a special girly day before little boy madness enters our pink and sparkly home.  I love that my little boy will be wearing her sweet boy's clothes.

She is the fun mom that makes messes with her son and sees the beauty in it.
Now I get it.
I so get it.

Thank you Drew for this day.  My girls won't stop talking about it.  I'm still finding sprinkles in crazy places and each time I do it makes me smile.

Visit Drew's blog to see the rest of the happy shoot.
Be sure to watch the slideshow because it is just happiness.
Janey- trying to sweep up the explosion of sprinkles?  It just doesn't get better.

My smiley baby girl is sick.
Sad, sad, pathetic sick.
Land us in the urgent care sick.
Waiting for strep test sick.
(Negative!  Yay!)
Mean doctor telling me that I need to 
stay away from her until my delivery sick.

How can I not hold my littlest girl when she needs me?

 How can I not rock her to sleep?

My charming, silly, mismatched sunshine girl.
During her last few days of being the baby in this house?

I miss her happy face.
She is going to be such a great big sister, 
but for the next few days I want to be with my charming baby.

Go away tiny ugly germs.
You are not invited to this party.

Four days.
I'm like 8% ready.

Throw in the fact that my sweet baby girl has a really high fever.  Super sad face.
So we are spending our days cozy on the couch, which honestly is just what I didn't know I needed.
She has four more days of being the baby.  Her fever is allowing me to baby her.

The nesting can wait.

I've got a cozy little one and a dvr full of Yo Gabba Gabba episodes that need my attention.

Happy July!
How was your week?
Here is a little peek into what has been happening around these parts via my iPhone lens and Instagram app.

Ariel got in a tussle with a certain chocolate handed toddler.
Washing machine to the rescue.

Lulu's favorite animal rescued fromt the flea market with these cute girls, transformed with spray paint in her favorite color.

Our air conditioning went our for six hours.
I turned into a total psycho.
Heat and I are mortal enemies, so I volunteered to make a Home Depot run to buy a new filter, just so I could blast the a/c in the van and swing by Sonic for bags of ice.
I pretty much cuddled the ice until the house cooled down.

Burlap and Basil has a brilliant solution for my iced tea and mason jar love.  This Island Mango & Peach tea is perfect for those of you who don't live near a Trader Joes.  (My condolences, you might consider moving... Just saying.)

I made Little Miss Momma's taquitos.
(Previous to finding this recipe, I had no idea that roast beef came in a can.  I still don't know how I feel about that, but I know that with a plate full of taquitos and guacamole in front of me, I don't care.)

Lucy is full of silly sunshine.  Love this kid.

 Bunco.  Love my friends.

 Saturday morning breakfast.  Love making special treats each week.

The aviators had to come out, Tami Taylor style, to mourn and celebrate what has been my favorite show on TV in the history of forever.
Friday Night Lights.
I will miss you.
Clear eyes, full hearts. Can't lose.
Now I need to wipe the mascara tears off of my face.
That is how you end a series my friends.
So good.  So real.  So wish there were more shows like it...

What did you do this week?
Link up your little moments at

life rearranged