I quit sugar for 33 days.
Then I fell of the wagon with a vengeance.
I went on a big old bender.
Specifically, a Nutella fueled bender.

It started with Nutella stuffed snickerdoodles.  Those were a super gross fail.

Then it ended with these.
These evil, beautiful, delicious, taunting, makes me want to cuss, they are so dang good, Nutella stuffed peanut butter temptresses.

No rocket surgery here.
I just dug my favorite peanut butter cookie recipe out of the recipe box, and introduced it to my vicey-est vice, Nutella.  A lot a lot a lot of Nutella.


1/2 cup butter at room temperature
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/4 cup flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Nutella for stuffing
White sugar for rolling

Cream together butter and peanut butter.  Add both sugars and beat together until fluffy.  Add in egg, milk, vanilla and mix until smooth.  Sift together flour, baking powder and soda, then add slowly to wet ingredients.  Mix until combined.
Place in fridge for thirty minutes.

When dough is chilled, using a cookie scoop, roll each ball of dough in white sugar before placing on a cookie sheet.  Don't have a cookie scoop?  Stop what you are doing right now and order one.  After living my whole life without one, I am pretty sure that I physically cannot make cookies without one.  If you like cookies to look all janky, and for your life to be way harder, don't get one.  But if you like pretty, uniform cookies, faster and with less mess, treat yo'self.

Speaking of treats, I recently treated myself to a silicone baking mat after wondering what the big deal with them was.  I mean how great could they really be?
I GET IT.  I get the big deal.  The cookies bake evenly, and slide off easier.  Everything about it is awesome. Except for the fact that I only have one.  Now I have to wait for it to cool between batches.
Sigh... pesky rich people problems.   It might be time to treat myself to a few more.

Back to the cookies...
Press your thumb into each cookie making space for the Nutella.
Lots of Nutella.
A big old spoonful of Nutella.
If you think that you have too much Nutella, you don't.  
Remember these are Nutella STUFFED cookies.  Not Nutella sparse cookies.
You need it.  You will like it.
Treat yo'self.

This is what the happy little Nutella mountains should look like.
Space the cookies out pretty far as well.
You will be using a heck of a lot of dough, and it tends to spread out quite a bit.

Next, take an additional sugar rolled, cookie scooped ball of dough, flatten it out slightly between your hands, then press it on top of the Nutella mountain.  Smash down the lot of them.

Bake at 350ยบ for 11-14 minutes.  (My oven runs an exact 13 minutes.)
They won't look totally done.  Take them out anyway.  Trust me on this one.  You want them to be soft and chewy.  Let them chill out on the cookie sheet for five minutes before carefully transferring them to a wire cooling rack.

Then eat.  And eat.  Repeat.  Then get them the heck out of your house, because they are evil and addictive.  Plus, cookies shared, are the best kind of cookies.

Makes 18 big, beautiful, magical, willpower destroying, cookies.


  1. Oh dang, these look good.

    Might have to treat myself...

  2. Told you I'd be stalking.....YUM! When you get tired of those {ha!} here's a Nutella ice cream recipe http://flipflopfollies.com/?p=3127 ~ the best ever! Nutella is European crack! Was introduced to it by our exchange students a LONG time ago and was fortunately able to escape it for a decade or so.......not no 'mo!

  3. Oh my.... my thighs will hate these... but the rest of me will L.O.V.E. them...

  4. Oh lordy. I think I have everything to make these. :)

  5. i have been living cookie scoop dreams for several years now. best invention ever.
    also an awesome gift for friends who have yet to be enlightened.

    now, the baking mat. i have been considering. guess it's time to commit.
    and this recipe reminds me that i need another cooling rack. my pesky little guy isn't cutting it during bakefests.

    which this recipe might be calling me to.

  6. Oh geez, as if my boyfriend and I did not have enough different ways to eat Nutella already....YUMMY!!

    xoxo Meghan

  7. ughhhhhhh.
    i'm trying SO HARD to be good.
    i think i'm mad at you.

  8. ummm...yeah, I quit sugar for 5 MONTHS and ...then...Jesus' birthday came. :/
    I'm going to make these and probably Pin them.
    From one wagon jumper to another ~ thanx.

  9. you can spread Nutella on the bathroom door and I'll eat.
    SO. Darn. GOOD.

  10. It's going to be really hard to beat your last cookie recipe (Cranberry White Chocolate Cream Cheese Snickerdoodles)! I'm still cursing you ever time I make them and eat the whole batch myself! But I'm willing to give this one a try for the sake of Nutella!!

  11. Entirely unrelated, but have you seen these printable Valentines? They are the most darling Star Wars Valentines of all time and they made me think of your awesome family.


  12. "Nutella fueled bender" might be myh favorite phrase ever!

  13. Omg those look so good. I love this recipe.

  14. Cookie scoops are where it's at.
    Silpats are my heroes and I wish I had more than the one I have too.
    You are my hero.
    The end.

    Ps- Thank you for sharing the crack goodness that is this recipe. I will hate you for it later, but for now, I thank you. :-)

  15. i've never had the willpower to give up sugar.
    those cookies look so so good... thanks for sharing.

  16. I am currently on a no sugar diet....and going to disneyland...cross fingers I survive and don't eat everything in sight. I'm hoping to enjoy disneyland, but stay close to no sugar...yikes!

  17. For Reals. Just made these. Where has nutella been all my life? Glory to the lord for this fab concoction!!!

  18. i still have yet to try nutella... maybe this would be a great introductory to the said evil ingredient!

  19. LOVE LOVE some Nutella. It should be illegal!

  20. If I made these I would fall off the wagon too! I fell off the wagon tonight when a package from one of my blog followers arrived with my favorite chocolates from Seattle!

  21. thank you soooo much for sharing. they are fabulous!

  22. Oh my! I made these today for my son's friend who is a Nutella freak. It was wrestling season - so he was watching his weight - so he was not treating. His season is done so it was the perfect treat for him.
