(Read about the past 40 mile challenges here.)
So I did it.
Not well.
44 miles in September.  Plus a few dozen more footsteps.

This is how it went down.

(Or when I blame lots of other things for the fact that I was just sort of lazy.)

We walked together as a family almost every night in August.
Soccer and homework have jacked up those plans.

The weather was nice in August.
It has been hideous all September.

I like freedom.
I do not like schedules.

Schedules jack up my freedom.
Schedules take a while for me to embrace.

The 1st quickly became the 10th.  On the 10th I had logged a total of zero miles.
The 10th became the 17th.  On the 17th I had logged a grand total of 5.27 miles.

I was in big trouble.  Gigantic trouble.
Thirteen days.  38.73 miles to go.  I should have quit.  I really should have.  But I am stubborn.  I don't set many goals, because when I do, it kills me if I don't reach them.  Keeps me up at night.
So I did what any night owl who is a nightmare before 7am would do...
Set my alarm for 5:45 am.  Put on my workout clothes.  Drank a lot of coffee.  Ate a Luna bar.  Grabbed my earphones.  Headed out the door.  Alone.  Because nobody who values their life is allowed to talk to me before 7 am.  Nobody.

Guess what?  Being alone is amazing.  Being alone means you get more miles in quicker.  Mainly because of the music and the whole no stroller/ nobody crying/ needing/ dropping things/ thing.
Lots more miles.

Lots less sweat too, since the sun has hardly awakened and started scorching the earth with it's wrath and fury.  Go away sun.  If I wanted to live in Phoenix, I would live in Phoenix.

The seemingly impossible became somewhat possible.  Three miles one day, four another, eight another (morning solo, evening with the family).

Mumford & Sons came out on the 24th and made it enjoyable, even.  I was so excited going to bed on the 23rd knowing that I would be able to listen to the whole album straight through the next morning.  That lovely next morning was my longest and fastest to date.  So good.

My knees and ankles may hate me.  I should have been smarter, I should have taken some days off when I was hurting.  But I am alive.  Alive, old, and slightly broken.  Even so, another month down.
No quitting.  Nope.

The goal for October?  41 miles.
My alarm and Mumford greeted me in the darkness this morning.  I thought a few times I might get murdered.  I need to borrow a dog.  Or watch less crime shows.  I do not want to be #44milesondateline

It's on October. You don't have a chance.
3.7 sweaty miles in before the temperature reached triple digits.   37.3 miles to go.  Yesss.


  1. Wow! You inspire me! I started my 0 to 5K today. I hate running. It kills me. But I want to tackle that obstacle. It's all in the mind, right? Right now, it seems impossible, but I will get there. 60 seconds at a time. :)

  2. That's Awesome! I did my half marathon two weekends and you still logged more miles than I did this past month. You.are.Inspiring.

  3. Every time you show a pic of yourself you look thinner! You go girl! Do it!

  4. I LOVE running with Mumford and Sons! There's something about the flow that just makes me feel like I'm floating along instead of what I probably look like ;) Good job pushing through--but listen make sure to listen to your body!

  5. I am totally impressed! Way to go! I have made some fitness goals lately and I am hating them, but I don't want to go back either, ya know? Totally impressed.

  6. You are super awesome! I'm taking the challenge this month for the first time! I'm excited :) I really want to like running.

  7. yesssssss for perseverance.
    that's totally awesome!

  8. yay julie! #gitterdone

    p.s. i ALWAYS think i'm going to be murdered at any second when i run in the wee hours. i carry mace and i have it at the ready at all times. i also plan out which house i'm going to for safety as i run. very relaxing.

  9. I need to join this. Ugh, I make too many excuses.

  10. Some questions because I REALLY need to get into an exercise routine.
    Are you solely running or do you walk/jog also?
    Have you changed your eating habits in anyway?
    Have you noticed inches/pounds coming off?

    I greatly appreciate your time :) You are inspiring!

  11. yay for early morning alone time! this is my one thing right now ... the one thing I want to master. you reminded me i need to go to bed right now. cause it's the night before part that always kills my best laid plans. way to go, mama!

  12. I love Mumford and Sons! I have to get the new one. and Congrats!

  13. totally relate to the fear of murder thingy. even sometimes happens on a treadmill! like when the childcare lady 'snuck' up on me to tell me they were closing the childcare early. about punched her.

    thanks for being real. realness is awesome.

  14. well done to you!!

    i love the goals that you set for yourself.

    I walk solo in the mornings too. Well at least I was, until I came to your hot sticky country and ate too many tacos! How is this hot hot September?!?

    Can I ask about your earphones? I remember a while back you getting some new good ones, but cant seem to find the post.

    New headphones and new Mumford might be just what I need to get me motivated when I return home next week. ( And new Nikes, perhaps? lol) x

  15. You go girl! I totally used this post as motivation when my alarm rang at the god-awful hour of 5:15 am. It worked! I got that workout in before the baby was up and my husband left for work. yay!

  16. julie you are awesome. :)
    alone is so great.
    and with friends is so great.
    with kids...no.
    kudos to you for all those months with the kids along....i could not have done that.
    october will be EVEN BETTER i think.
    i hope.
    how could it not be now that mumford is here to stay.

  17. i am so proud of you.

    ps. somehow, my blogroll got jacked up and you were deleted. all this time i thought you were taking a blog break. what a shame. glad i have solved the mystery.

  18. you are helping to keep me motivated. i had my fourth child last september and have 30 pounds to go...it keeps lingering, uninvited to this party! i am inspired by you and right beside you on the #41milesinoctober journey. i have 5 miles done, 36 to go :)
