I have so many feelings about school starting again.
I deeply miss summer, and their brother already misses his three entertainers.
I also have a confession... I didn't buy school pictures last year.
I know.
Sign them all up for therapy.
Guess what?  I am FOR SURE not going to buy them this year.
Because Drew.
The awkward poses, after recess messy hair, neon blue backgrounds have nothing on what she captured.
The reader, the future missionary, and the class clown.  The red Vans.  Another little one in her sister's hand me down uniforms.  The school that we so deeply love, and are so thankful to be attending again.

I am not ready for homework, for emails, for early mornings, for laundry, for brushing SO MUCH hair, for packing lunches.

They are though.  They miss their friends.  They are excited to meet their teachers.  They have a love and passion for learning.
I love their growing minds.  I love their heart to learn about Jesus.  I love that they He is woven throughout their days.

I wish it was still July.  Since it isn't, I will do my best to entertain the wild little boy who is stressing out about how quiet the house is, and doing everything he can to make sure it doesn't stay that way.

We will get through the year. Somehow.  Someway.  And begin counting the days until summer rolls around again.


  1. Please oh please. It's not just Drew. I know I know I KNOW there was your magic there.

    (Both the kids and the backdrop.)

  2. Love! Love! Love it all! I wish Drew lived closer to me. I'd book her weekly!

  3. Dyyyyyyyyyyying!!! I would never buy school pictures ever again. Ever. No need! You and Drew are brilliant with props and photography!!!

  4. I'd never buy school pictures again either if I had awesome images like these too. You two are force! Love all your calaborations.

  5. So. Stinking. CUTE.
    And tan!!


  6. Those are seriously the best.
    Drew is awesome.

  7. Oh, my goodness. I love these pictures! How fun. You have adorable kids. I wish I could get school photos like for my kids, although my son would never be into this.


  8. love, love, love. great job! (both of you). and we always do our own pics too ;)

  9. perfection.
    seriously, these are straight out of a catalog.

  10. So so cute! I am just in total shock that your baby girl is starting kindergarten. Wasn't she just a baby and winning you an iPad? I swear that was last year!

  11. Love them! Though I must admit, I get the horrendous school picture just because I feel like it's a rite of passage...I had them, so they will have them, too! ;) That said, thank goodness I stopped going to the Picture People when I learned how to shoot manual-I was saved! Ha!

  12. SO much better than school pictures and I love the Vans.

  13. The eye doctor. CPC. All of it. Cutest.

  14. oh gosh... how i love to see pics of your beautiful little ladies!
    they are adorable.
    those pics are amazing.
    so sweet!!
    and seriously... your girls are the exact same age as MY three girlies!!
    so fun!! :)

  15. Julie, you're girls are seriously the cutest! And lucky to have you as their momma!

  16. The cutest pictures EEEVVVEEERRR!!!! Beautiful girls!

  17. Cuter than cute. Because Drew. And your girls.


  18. this is the best photo shoot ever!!! Your girls are beautiful! I wasn't ready for school to start either. I am losing my entertainers as well!

  19. such a great group of photos! you should do something similar every year!! love it.

  20. Oh those girls. Love! And so glad to see you :)

  21. So creative and fun! I am in a bit of mourning with school starting, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. Hope its been off to a great start!
